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Home > MV Sphere
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Monica Varela set her artistry in motion with Evolution, a magnetic collection that rejects the ordinary, and compliments women with an opulent presence.
The intricate anatomy of seeds serves as the catalyst to this evolving sphere. Each of its eight series: Hurita, Emzu, Eslie, Falié, Laroe, Luzhem, Uluzüi, and Yoem. Each one reflects distinct states of mind, and was curated with a microscopic eye to detail. Bounded by the inner quest to infuse everyday life with abstract art while reminiscing nature.
Monica Varela’s iconic series is Hurita, mastering the evolution from classics to bold statement pieces. Playful pieces that were intricately designed with Monica Varela’s symbolic perforated spheres and stackable styling. The Hurita series is for the modish woman who carries herself with everlasting elegance. Gives the perfect eccentric touch to the classic discerning woman who is always on the go, and ready for any occasion.
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[title style=”center” text=”HURITA SERIES” tag_name=”h1″ margin_top=”45px” margin_bottom=”20px” size=”130″]
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[title style=”center” text=”YOEM SERIES” tag_name=”h1″ margin_top=”75px” margin_bottom=”20px” size=”130″]
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[title style=”center” text=”FALIÉ SERIES” tag_name=”h1″ margin_top=”75px” margin_bottom=”20px” size=”130″]
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Evolution is deeply rooted from an anatomical world that delicately preserves traditional techniques with a curious fusion of exquisite detailing and cutting-edge elements. Inevitably, with a microscopic structure that embodies the creator’s distinctive aptitude for bold statement pieces, each series reveals different moods of women— femininity, daringness, ambition, elegance, sensuality, and ingenuity. The duality between her love for abstract art and sensibility for an evolving imagination is at the core of Monica Varela’s eponymous brand, made for the thriving risk taker and artwear seeker.
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Monica Varela set her artistry in motion with Evolution, a magnetic collection that rejects the ordinary, and compliments women with an opulent presence.
The intricate anatomy of seeds serves as the catalyst to this evolving sphere. Each of its eight series: Hurita, Emzu, Eslie, Falié, Laroe, Luzhem, Uluzüi, and Yoem. Each one reflects distinct states of mind, and was curated with a microscopic eye to detail. Bounded by the inner quest to infuse everyday life with abstract art while reminiscing nature.
Monica Varela’s iconic series is Hurita, mastering the evolution from classics to bold statement pieces. Playful pieces that were intricately designed with Monica Varela’s symbolic perforated spheres and stackable styling. The Hurita series is for the modish woman who carries herself with everlasting elegance. Gives the perfect eccentric touch to the classic discerning woman who is always on the go, and ready for any occasion.
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[title style=”center” text=”YOEM SERIES” tag_name=”h1″ margin_top=”75px” margin_bottom=”20px” size=”130″]
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[title style=”center” text=”FALIÉ SERIES” tag_name=”h1″ margin_top=”75px” margin_bottom=”20px” size=”130″]
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